Build a culture where people want to come to work every day
Build healthy cultures where people want to come to work every day.
Develop effective leaders by focusing on strengths
Develop resilient and high-performing employees with a constructive mindset
We work with corporate leaders to include mindful awareness as part of the daily hustle. Does your company encourage an atmosphere of safety that allows people to be authentic, have necessary and sometimes uncomfortable conversations when needed, and connect with their purpose?
We often work with companies on an ongoing monthly basis to advise on culture, communication, performance, retention, and leadership development.
We engage in structured workshops and programs where we:
- Use tools to gather actionable data from teams and individuals
- Explore patterns and dynamics together with management
- Apply what we learn(ed) to individual coaching to establish accountability and the next steps for growth
We help your employees
- Become stronger leaders by leveraging strengths and mindset
- Learn how to give and receive feedback with kindness
- Support authentic, necessary, and sometimes uncomfortable conversations when needed
360º Feedback workshops & coaching
The most effective leaders and teams use constructive thinking strategies, leverage their strengths, and foster trust within their organization. We use 360º feedback tools to explore both how employees think about themselves, and to show them how others see them within the organization. Backed by years of historical data and scientific research, these tools help individuals perform better and develop their leadership, and also help companies develop more effective work cultures.
The tools that we use 360-degree feedback are Human Synergistics’ Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) and Leadership/Impact® (L/I) tools. These are 360º feedback tools backed by 50 years of historical data relating thinking and leadership styles and work culture to effectiveness.
Research and development by Robert A. Cooke, Ph.D. and J. Clayton Lafferty, Ph.D. Copyright © 1987‐2015 by Human Synergistics International. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.
- Team performance workshops & coaching. We work with teams, both as a group and with individual ongoing follow-up, to help them develop strategies to be more authentic, constructive, and effective at work.
- Leadership development programs for individuals and groups. We help develop the leaders within your organization by showing them how they are demonstrating constructive leadership and how they are influencing the behavior of others.
- Partnership development programs. Professional partnership is a journey that requires junior staff to develop their leadership and other business skills in addition to their professional expertise.
- Individual performance and leadership coaching. Most people have the potential to be highly effective in their roles; often it takes some coaching to get there. We can help your people become high performers.
Employee Retention and Engagement Surveys, also called stay interviews, can uncover what keeps an employee at a company, what they would most like to change, where things can improve, and the opportunities they would like to see for themselves. Surveys occur on an annual basis. These surveys are part of our strategy to help clients create an open environment that encourages honest feedback and dialogue.
Unlike an exit interview, Retention and Engagement Surveys focus on current employees and can increase employee retention. These surveys give an employer a true opportunity to increase job satisfaction with their employees. The results can uncover what factors are most important to employees, and often exposes small changes that can make a huge impact on job satisfaction, leading to higher retention.
Our Retention Engagements include survey development, individual employee interviews, and a reporting workshop to management. We can follow up over time to ensure that opportunities brought up in the initial interviews have been addressed, and we help clients implement the changes that make sense for their business.